10 pitch deck lessons from Fintech

When looking for inspiration to create your pitch deck, there is no shame in looking at what other successful startups have done in order to get funded. We hope we’d give you a few ideas out of our pitch deck library

1) Mission Slide – Alto

Alto is an investment platform for individuals. It has done a great job of explaining what they do and what its mission is at the front of their deck. The slide is also nicely formatted and supported by a quote of an influential person in the industry.

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2) Team Slide – Freetrade

Freetrade is the UK equivalent of Robinhood, a company that specializes in stock trading. We enjoyed reading at their deck and how they created their team slide. Without having big names in their crew, they still managed to create a convincing slide which explains most of the investors’ questions: who are the key people, where they come from, what have they done, and who else is in the company

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3) Market Opportunity Slide – WealthSimple

WealthSimple, the Canadian wealth management company, has created a nice market size slide that is clean, has the right amount of information, showing the total size opportunity that is addressable. Lots of white space allows readers to focus on what is important.

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4) Market Research Slide – Clearbanc

Clearbanc offers growth capital for web-enabled businesses with a simple application process. They have done a great job at exploring their market in order to understand what is required. In a neat and professional way, they describe their typical client with a high degree of detail

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5) Problem Slide – Curve

Curve is a platform that consolidates all bank cards into a single smart card. They’ve created a very beautiful deck. We like the simplicity of their problem slide, with clear and concise statements, and some of the text highlighted in bold to indicate the main points.

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6) Solution Slide – Pillar

Pillar – the student loan repayment specialist, had done a great job at explaining their advantages in their solution slide. A strong headline, 3 memorable benefits and a graphic display from their app talks loudly about what the company is aiming to achieve.

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7) Competition Slide – Revolut

Revolut, the fintech company that became famous for offering a prepaid card to make commission-free transactions abroad, did a good job with their competition slide. They described several use cases, compared themselves to others, and mentioned not only direct but also indirect competition.

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8) Traction Slide – Monzo

Isn’t it easier to create a traction slide when you have something to shout about? Monzo have really strong numbers to cover, and they show them on a simple understated slide. It’s very important to show not only how many users there are, but also how many active users. It would be even better if they could show average revenue per user (ARPU) but that might not have helped in the case of Monzo

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9) Business Model Slide – Zestful

Zestful is a platform for companies that allows offering employees rewards and perks. In their business model slide, which they call revenue model, they explain simply how they make their money. It would be useful to know percentages for each of these models, though this can be explained further along

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10) Summary Slide – Zoe Financial

Zoe Financial has done a good job at creating a slide that is not always seen in pitch decks, but many times a lifesaver. This is the summary slide. This slide can clarify in a few points what was covered in the deck and what are the key takeaways.

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