Pitching Successfully to investors

What is successful selling? It is the outcome of both the intended message and effective communication. For pitching to a potential investor, you must be able to sell the possibility of a successful exit in the few planned years. Every business and its model is different from the other one. Thus the elements and aspects that they pay interest and focus are different too. That is what we specialize in at TopPitchDeck.com. When preparing your deck, consider these pointers

1) Research your Market: Do you know the underlying problem that’s desperately awaiting a solution? Or have you discovered the opportunity that ensures a market for a new business? How big and worthy a market might be? Is it considerably easy to find and communicate with the participants of that growing?

2) Discover a big idea: Will you be able to come up with an innovation to address the market requirement? How is your innovation different from the other ones? How are going to protect it from the competition?

3) Develop a commercial model: How will you be able to earn money by implementing that innovation? Can you make a rough estimate on that? Understood that making cash flow assumptions at the initial stage is unwise but do you have additional potential models to experiment?

4) Promote aggressively: How do you lure and excite your audience with the best proposal and articulate that proposition?

5) Create a financial and monetary projection: Will you be able to come up with a three-year profit & loss account and one-year cash flow forecast?

6) Get the right people: Do you have the necessary resources, expertise, and proof of the experience to help a start-up grow from a start-up?

7) Explain what you need concisely: What is the valuation of the funds that have been raised? How those funds will be utilized and will this deployment provide a strong foundation to the business until its next raise?

Although the ‘pitch-deck’ is omnipresent nowadays for its usefulness, it is not the ultimate solution to every situation. It is the responsibility of an entrepreneur to invest time thinking towards discovering an innovative method that will work for their targeted investors.

Suppose one of your investors has the necessary knowledge of a given market but the other one is a novice or unaware of that market. So, the hook for winning both investors should be different.

Your ability to make the investors of the target customer demographic feel the strength of your solution as a potential user is what drives them for taking your services. Failing to make feel abolishes your conversion rate optimally. In contrast, an investor showing no empathy with the market needs to be approached through a more precise and logical explanation.

Then, the effectiveness of practicalities and human behavior cannot be ignored. An investor receiving many pitches a week is unlikely to go through every deck in detail. To stop them from skipping decks, it is advised to send them a summary of a maximum of two pages.

Fundamentally, when choosing the content and the method for selling their investment, if an entrepreneur can’t demonstrate empathy with an investor what confidence does that give in the empathy and effort made for their customers?

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